Western Australia and Singapore announce cross-media development projects

Singapore, 10 December 2008 – Following the launch of the MDA-ScreenWest
Cross-Media Development Initiative earlier in October this year, the two agencies
today announced the first two cross-media projects that will receive funding for
further development.

‘Off the Wall’ from ZacToons (Western Australia) and Scrawl Studios (Singapore),
along with ‘Origami Samurai’ by Vue DC (Western Australia) and Sitting In Pictures
(Singapore), are the first two cross-media projects selected, and will be awarded a
grant of up to US$30,000 each in development funding through the initiative.

Each project will involve development of content to be commercialised beyond
television, in other media like publishing, and for online and mobile distribution. This
offers the opportunity for the content to enjoy a wide reach.

“Capitalising on the experience and strengths of each other’s capabilities, Singapore
and Western Australia media companies are poised to develop more multi-platform
intellectual properties. We are confident that these new projects will have the
potential to enjoy a wide reach globally when they are fully-commercialised.” said Dr
Christopher Chia, Media Development Authority’s Chief Executive Officer.

The successful recipients were announced today at the 2008 Asia Media Festival
Country Showcase by ScreenWest Chief Executive Ian Booth, and are leading the
way for further co-production projects between Singapore and Western Australia.

“I am delighted at the high standards and strong interest shown by the production
companies from both regions. As a result, two additional projects were
recommended to apply under the official Singapore-Australia Co-Production treaty;
documentaries ‘Extreme Wild’ from Vue DC (Western Australia) and Infocus Asia
(Singapore) together with ‘Borders’ by Artemis International (Western Australia) and
Threesixzero Productions (Singapore),” said Mr. Booth.

Applications for the second round of the MDA-ScreenWest Cross-Media
Development Initiative will be announced in 2009. More information about this
Initiative is available at: www.mda.gov.sg


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