Too poor to file a case: Surjit's father

A 16 year old Dalit boy died after he was beaten up for writing a love poem for an upper caste girl.

Surjit was caned up by his teacher Bahadur Singh till he almost dropped dead. But his ordeal did not end there only. He was then beaten up by the family members of the girl. The boy was then found semi-conscious and taken to the hospital but succumbed to injuries.

Local politicians sought an inqury about the incident as the police appear to be siding with the upper caste's family and the teacher. School headmaster, Bhagat Ram, expressed his ignorance about the issue by saying he was out of school that day. The accused teacher Bahadur Singh was on leave and inaccessible.

The father of the deceased was too poor to fight a lawsuit and had no choice but to make a deal with the girl's family and the teacher. The issue was then kept mum after the deceased family accpeted a sum of rupees two lakh.

This shows that Dalits were not given the opportunity to fight for their rights just because they are poor and the people of upper caste could just get away from their crimes by sealing the mouths of the poor with money. It is unfair for the poor.

1 comment:

K Loh said...

I chose this article because I agree to the statement made by the article. I find that prejudice between the rich and the poor is becoming worse and that it is unfair for the poor living there.
Personally, I find that people are taking advantage of their richness to cover up for their mistakes and that justice are no longer what we prioritize as humans.
I strongly disagree to the idea of the poor not being able to stand up against the rich especially when they are not being treated fairly of. The fact that the rich just sealed the mouth of the poor with money is unacceptable, showing how low they view the poor.
I feel that justice should always be preserved and that the status of one, be it rich or poor, should never affect the opportunity of one for their rights.