The Role of Non-governmental Organizations

The Role of Non-governmental Organizations

Published in 1949, Peace by Pieces – The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations, is a bold admission of the intended use of NGOs to advance a thousands-of-years old political program of World Dominion, fueled by International Zionism. The nonchalance with which minions of the would-be world rulers detail this aspect of their plan to 'organize life on the planet' reveals an arrogance which does, indeed, boggle the mind of any sane person.

By their own definition: "the UN is an intergovernmental organization... an organization to which governments belong". The UN is not a government, nor is it a nation. The UN is a nongovernmental organization. In light of that certainty, and contrary to propaganda we have been fed and have swallowed whole for the nearly sixty years since the U.S. signed on as a UN member nation -- October 24, 1945 -- a few details could use some clarification in our minds and in the minds of local and state elected officials:

1) Our Constitution provides authority for the U.S. to enter into treaties with other nations (governments). An organization, no matter what its builders call it, is just that and nothing more... an organization, whether non- or inter-governmental. Do you like the fact that every 'war' fought by Americans since WWII has been fought under the auspices of -- and was called for by -- self-appointed experts in an organization the war-makers themselves established? Oh, yes, they tell us it isn't war-making, it's peace-keeping. The reason the 'conflicts' are not called war, but instead are called 'peacekeeping missions' -- according to Brian Merchant of the National Security Council (NSC) -- is because "under international law, peacekeeping is not defined as war". That is a perfect example of newspeak, from Orwell's book, 1984, where WAR IS PEACE and SLAVERY IS FREEDOM.

2) The U.S. is a dues-paying member of the United Nations Organization, which was foisted upon the people in America under the guise of a mutual pact by nations of the world to eliminate war. The American people did not vote to become members of the international non-governmental United Nations Organization. In fact, the majority of appointed officials in the U.S. State Department who orchestrated our entry into the UN were later exposed as Communists. Alger Hiss, the primary motivater of the scheme was later sent to prison as a Communist spy.
We've been led to believe the U.S. Senate ratified a "treaty" with the UN. Even if they went through the motions of doing so, those motions do not make it a treaty, nor binding on the U.S. A resolution passed by the U.S. Congress in the 1970's recognizing the UN as a sovereign nation does not make it so either. One cannot make a silk purse from a sow's ear. An organization is an organization, not a sovereign nation/government. There is no treaty between the U.S. and the UN.

3) The UN was initially called the League of Nations. WW I was orchestrated to establish the League, and there were not enough communists occupying positions of power in the U.S. Government to push it through under Woodrow Wilson (Wolfsohn). Before the end of WWII, which was orchestrated for the same reason (and to establish the "homeland" in Israel for the non-Israelitish, non-Semitic, Khazarian "Jews", and to destroy Germany) the UN was already being recognized as a world "power". Franklin D. Rosevelt (Rosenfeld) dragged Americans into World War II; Harry Soloman Truman dragged us into the UN. America has never been the same.

The creatures who established the UN did so to create a World Government so they could "organize life on the planet", and unless people of the world wake up soon; unless America withdraws from the UN we'll all be gobbled up and lost in their nightmare. Our children and their children will be -- in a very real sense -- the walking dead. The creatures who established the UN to create a World Government are International money-lenders, who care nothing for any nation regardless where they were born. In their fantasy, the world is their playground; we are their playthings.
Jesus kicked the money-lenders out of the temple, which in that time was akin to the world bank today.

Adolf Hitler kicked the money-lenders out of Germany after they had crushed the economy and rendered its people destitute. The German people flourished under a State-owned, debt-free, non-gold-backed, monetary system. For that reason, Germany had to be "utterly destroyed". Contrary to what most of us learned in our 'history' classes, England dropped the first bombs on Germany, which started WWII. This is not a pro-Hitler statement. It is a statement of fact.

Sovereign states in America could do the same today as Adolf Hitler did then, since the U.S. Congress violated the Constitution when they committed treason by passing the Federal Reserve Act. The sovereign states could establish a debt-free, non-gold-backed monetary system and free the slaves... that is, we... the people.

Do you not find it astonishing that government leaders of the world bow and grovel in their rush to implement the mandates emanating from the UN Organization? How has this happened? As the title of the article explains, it is PEACE by Pieces.
The UN is called a 'peacekeeping' organization. Their primary instrument of peace is war, creating conflict worldwide and presenting it to the gullible masses as peace; however, few realize that their definition of peace is a complete absence of resistance to totalitarian World Socialism. Today, it is an iron fist in a velvet glove. Tomorrow it will be tyranny under their heavy boot. Their motto is ‘Ordo Ab Chao'... for they intend to bring order out of the chaos which they themselves create. For further confirmation of this assertion, including the re-write of history, read Norman Dodd's testimony before the Illinois State legislative committee in 1978.

When they decide to take control over a nation, they call it "nation-building"; in truth, they are destroying to re-build to their specifications, and the hapless citizens of their 'democratized' nations are being moulded to fit their image. Their most favorite word is 'democracy'. 'Democratization of the nations'... call it world socialism, for that is their definition of democracy. Over time their efforts at nation-building have delivered into their ‘protective' arms, one sovereign country after another. It's simple and, for them, quite easy because they hold and control the mighty power of the purse. In fact, they make out of thin air what passes for money today.

First they create chaos within a nation, either by economic or revolutionary means... or both. The blue helmeted cannon-fodder is then sent in to enforce peace. A contingent is permanently placed to keep the peace and protect the newly installed puppet-ruler who assuredly will bow and grovel to implement his or her master's mandates. In this way, they regulate the press, electronic media, education, food production and distribution, health care – or not – and most importantly, the economy... their economic system.

If the puppet-ruler becomes naughty – falls under a delusion that he or she actually is head of a nation, as in the case of Jack Kennedy – that puppet-ruler is simply murdered and replaced with a more malleable puppet-ruler. If their crime looks as though it will be uncovered, as in the case of John Kennedy, Jr., his wife and unborn son, they just kill some more. Such has been the case nation by nation, multiplied by times nearly two-hundred.

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