Dressings- Samurai

The most basic clothing item in their everyday life, outside of their armoured self, samurais adorn Kimonos. Depending on the weather and the season, the kimonos that the samurais put on differ in weight and thickness. The kimonos that are worn by the samurais, usually made of silk in dark and dull colours have its own different grades. Richer and more prominent samurais wear higher quality kimonos. Patterns and bright colours are avoided as it signifies arrogance. Aside from the kimono, samurais also wore sandals or wooden clogs. The sandals, which were regarded as the more prestigious one between the two were often made of materials such as straw, hemp and cotton thread.

Of course, all samurais carry the most essential and significant accessory for them, their samurai sword. On the whole, they would place their swords always on their left, through a belt called obi, worn wrapped around the waist and tied in front. Powerful samurais would also wear eboshi, a cap of black silk gauze stiffened with a black lacquered paper lining often held in place by a white cord. The size and shape of the cap was largely dependent on the samurai's rank.

The samurai's hair was essential to the samurai to stress the significance orderly and tidy appearance. The hair will also be well oiled and formed into a queue and folded forward on the head, then back again, and was tied in place. Facial hair on the other hand depicts manliness on the part of the wearer. Moustaches were popular, and among generals these could become quite distinctive. Beards made wearing helmet cords more comfortable.

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