Censorship in Singapore

November 23, 2008

» film Malaysia censorship

Yasim Ahmad said:

"A friend told me recently that one local paper attacked me for always showing my films in Singapore before Malaysia. I didn't read the article, but apparently they accused me of being disloyal, or words to that effect.

Truth be known, the reason for this is that the Singaporeans are just quicker on the uptake than we are."

Recommended by Otterman: "One of Malaysia's creative talents and director of "Sepet," "Gubra" and "Mukhsin" finds it easier to screen her films in Singapore, uncut, then in Malaysia. And she says its safe from piracy too!

Another talent, Amir Muhammad, has had the same experience too.

But the same could be said about Singaporean filmmakers who deal with sensitive material - they will find it easier to showcase their films in Malaysia. Cheaper and faster travel means its hard to deny enthusiasts their fare.

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