Sports and its ugly truth: Part 2

Doping in weightlifting
by Jiang Shan

Causes of doping in weightlifting
Doping is not a recent phenomenon but has lasted for centuries. Besides the negative health effects of doping and the risk of being caught,there are still athletes who are willing to dope. There are many reasons for athletes to dope, namelydebts, peer pressure, and temptation to win.
First of all, some athletes may take the risk of doping because of debts. The athletes have to win certain racesor games so the money they get can be used to pay their debts. Thus due to the pressure of unpaid debts, the athletes choose to dope. Another reason for doping is peer pressure. Athletes dope in sports to show to their peers that they are daredevils. If they refuse to dope they may be called cowards. To prevent that from happening, they rather take the risk of doping. Temptationto win is the most major reason that contributes to doping. Some athletes are chasing after fame and wealth, and they decide to take the shortcut which is doping, hoping to achieve success through the wrong way.

Cases of doping in weightlifting

Georgi Boevsk from Bulgaria
In 2004 Galabin Boevski was suspended for eight years for failing a second drug test.
Nizami Pashayev from Azerbajian
Pashayev was disqualified for two years after failing a WADA drugs test. He lost his European title and was fined $2,400.

Doping in professional cycling
by Angeline Lee

In the sporting world, nothing is more important than winning and in the process, sportsmen may resort to underhand means such as doping. Also cyclistsknown as using performance- enhancing drug, doping is done to improve athletic performance which goes against the spirit of sportsmanship or Olympism. Doping can come in the form of blood doping where boold transfusion takes place or the injection of hormone erythropoietin(EPO).
Though doping occurs in many other sports, professional cycling is more commomplace for it to happen. Particularly in events such as Tour de France where doping cases have surfaced since 1903. As an endurance sport, professional cycling is a draw for doping as the drugs help dull the pain and allows the cyclist to display higher capabilities, hence gaining an advantage over others.Eamples of well known cyclist who were either directly involved or were suspected are Lance Armstrongas well as Floyd Landis. Their unmoral acts have resulted in their reputation being tarnished to some extent which would not have happened if they had stood their ground and competed fairly. Other serious implications of doping would be death. Overdose of drugs have led to cyclists to be in a confused state which results in crashes and eventually death.
Simply put it, doping is the simple act of cheating. It is not just cheating of the other participants,organisers as well as supporters but it is also cheating of oneself. By resorting to doping, it just shows that the user is not fit and not up to standard to compete competitively. Think about it, finishing the race without the help of drugs or winning the race with the aid of drugs? The fact that cycling is an endurance sport, the temptation is there but what beats finishing the race based on one's ability. Doping tests the morals of people and determines what kind of a person he or she is.
However, some sportsmen are arguing that doping should be accepted just as how technologically advanced suits are. Over the years, better suits are created using better materials which reduces wind resistance. Such reduction results in a faster time records. This is the same as doping which does not rely on one's ability. Therefore it is best that such inventions are controlled to support the banning of doping.
Doping is not morally right in the sporting world as sports enhances the spirit of fair playing as well as forming friendships. Doping gives an advantage over another but not through personal capabilities, which goes against what sports should be about.
All post under this title by 10S01

1 comment:

Mrs Amy Kah said...

The idea of sports has been thwarted by the desire to win.
A sport, a supposedly healthy activity has lost its meaning of promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging sportsmanship when atheletes resort to underhand means to win the game.
It is regrettable to know that some atheletes who are in fact tailored with great abilities but are too ambitious and perhaps impatient to prove themselves. Thus turning to drugs and losing their position in the realm of sports.

However it is reassuring to know that there are other atheletes that are honourable in their act and did not turn to drugs to improve their performance.
They are the ones who may not wow audiences with their performances but serve as a good role model to the younger generation.

Charmaine 10S08