Role of parents

Parents play a crucial role in every stage of childhood and can play positive role in getting the best in education. The role of parents in their child's education has always been emphasized by different groups like educators and administrators. Parents have the right to ask questions to the teachers and principals and get involved in the child’s education process right from the elementary level to the college level. While at the school level, parents can help their child with reading, writing and homework, at the college level, parents can help in selecting the right college, and career and encourage their children to save for college education. The questions which always remain about parents’ involvement are does it have a positive impact on the student’s achievement, do they push their children too hard, or the effects on the behavior and attitudes on the children.

Whether a child studies at home every night or spends most evenings in the library, it's important to provide a workspace of their own where they can go to study, or just work on something more personal. With a familiar and reliable place your young learner will have the environment they need to excel in school.

Parents should encourage their child to spread out as much as is needed during work time, but to keep some semblance of order and neatness when their area isn't being used for study. A child who learns to organize their space will carry organization into every corner of their life.

It is also of utmost importance for parents to play an enforcing role and stay in touch with their child's assignments, tests and ongoing projects. Set aside time each day to offer help. Be available and enthusiastic; a child needs to feel like you want to be there and that helping them isn't a chore. Connect with their teachers regularly to keep up with how things are going in the classroom. If parents find their child needs extra help, be active in getting it, or better yet, work with them. Tutoring their own children can be rewarding for both parties.

Last but not least, parents needs to be patient but unwavering with the basics. Sometimes they will have to be strict, but a little firmness each day will teach their child vital time management skills. This will give them a sense of control and can help prevent a homework or term paper crisis. Be willing to be the bad guy, but don't make school or homework seem like a punishment. Parents need to think of themselves as the leader of an expedition, not a jailor. When things get difficult, a child respect their parent's authority and see them as a resource for the help they need.

Daryl Chew


Eliza Isa said...

The parts on children keeping their workplace organised and choosing a place to study were the most significant ones in getting the children to study. This is so as a research by a group of scientist on children has shown that if they learnt to be responsible and have a freedom of learning, they will take their studies more seriously. Also, from personal experience, when I started to do the above work, I began to see that my studies are important and I became serious.

However, I disagree with the last paragraph as this is not feasible in the real world situation especially in China and India, where parents use homeworks as punishments and force their children to study like as if there is no tomorrow as stated by newspapers of both countries in 2009. As a result, I believe that many parents will ignore this last bit because they believe that what they are doing is right. Thus, i believe that a better solution will be to have classes conducted in workplaces, once in a while by the employers for working parents, on how to make studies more interesting especially for working parents because then only will the parents see the importance of doing this by learning on how to teach from these courses . this is so as educationis the key and we should ensure that education is not taken as a punishment but as a form of enjoyment and then can the children succeed.

By Pandey of 10S22

Eliza Isa said...

Indeed, parents do play a very important role in the family especially in a child's education.

Education is an ongoing "activity" which a child receives. Along the journey of pursuing results in school and colleges, they are bound to meet some obstacles and difficulties. No doubt, the school will be there to guide them. However, the ones that are ALWAYS there to help the child are the parents.

Sometimes, parents are not able to guide us in doing the work, as they may not have the knowledge to the assignments we are doing. But, at times, what we really need is the emotional and moral support from our parents. A word of encouragement from them will make a huge difference in us.

On the other hand, I feel that it is rather hard for children to achieve a sense of control over their work. I feel that in this modern society, children are getting wiser in one way or another. Also, they have their very own set of thinking. Thus, if parents were to be firm on their children, their plan of guiding their children might backfire. This is because, most children nowadays do not like to be controlled by their parents too much. Thus, I personally feel that we should not be too firm with their children.

By Benjamin Tan of 10S16

K Loh said...

The article is quite interesting as it does not only talk about how parents could encourage their children to excel in their studies, but it also talks about how parents could instill good habits, such as being neat and keeping things in order, in their children. I believe all these little habits, will turn into the children’s character and thus, will affect their education in the future.
I agree to a large extent that parents are very important in a child’s life. In case a child faces any problem, the first person they would want to seek help from are their parents as they the closest ones in our life. Not only that, parents are the ones who can advice us on how to deal with hard situations with their own experiences and tell us what can we learn from it to avoid similar ones happening again. Hence, it is important that parents develop a strong bond with their children so that they would not be afraid to ask help from them in times of trouble.
Singapore, understanding that parents play an important role in the life’s of their children, has come up with numerous programs to strengthen the parent-child relationship. One example would be the “Eat with your Family Day”. On that day, Singaporeans are encouraged to have dinner with their families. This is because; Singaporeans are often too busy with work, school or other personal commitments to enjoy a meal with their families. Thus, introducing this day would serve as a reminder for parents in particular, to spend more time with their family and especially their children.
Hence, it can be seen that the role of parents are very important in a child’s life that even governments have come up with measures to ensure good parent-child relationships.

Nurazian said...
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Nurazian said...

I agree that parents play a vital role in the development of a child, especially in his education years. Parents serve as educators and motivators in a child's life, which guides to help the child make the right decisions in order for him to have a successful and bright future ahead. There are many ways in which parents can help, such as ensuring a conducive learning environment, keeping in touch with the child's educators and constantly providing their help in any way possible. However, parents may sometimes cross this line, which may impact negatively upon a child's life.

Parents, at times, may be too driven by the thought of having successful children to boast about, and hence push their child into becoming what they perceive as successful. When parents cross this line, children may find themselves being constantly pressurised into outdoing their classmates in order to please their parents. Children may also ignore their own personal interest in certain subjects, as they may put their parents' happiness before theirs. When this happens, children will lose interest in education and may find it a chore. They will have no personal motivation to do well, as they will start obeying their parents entirely. This may cause friction between child and parents, due to their conflicting interest and opinions. Instead of obtaining the best for the future, the child may only focus on pleasing their parents. The child will no longer realise the importance of securing his own future and may possibly rely heavily on his parents. The child may end up being too dependant as he grows up.

Nur Sabrina Bte Harun

J. said...
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J. said...

I agree that the role of parents is important in a child's growth from pre-school to college years. By being there for the child throughout the important times of the child, it helps to foster the bond of the child and parents. The parent's life experience can also be used as a reference in guiding the child into a correct career path so that he can be successful in future.
However, as a child grow, parents should start to release some control on the child and allow him some freedom to make his/her own choices, as well as to allow him/her to grow independently, as being there for the child all the time might lead the the child being too dependent on the parents and thus leading to its inability to survive in the outside world.


Eliza Isa said...
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Eliza Isa said...

I do agree that certain children would require the encouragement and the motivation from their parents in order for them to succeed in their following paths to their career. children might get distracted and unable to make proper decisions hence the need for parents to guide them in thinking about their future. Parents should have the knowledge in choosing what is best for their children and hence such involvement would be beneficial to the child if there is a limit to this control.

However, parents should exercise some freedom for the child to make decisions in their life once their thinking have matured and able to pick the right one. Parents should only advice on their choice and list the advantages and disadvantages in case the child is unable to make a choice. Such freedom is very important to ensure that the child is able to acquire good decision-making skills that is essential in the outside world whereby such guidance is rare and independent choice have to be made.

The parents control would have adverse effects on the children despite it being for their own good as in this current society, children are getting wiser and some decision-making should be done by the children due to the availability of different paths now towards a career.

By Ahmad Abdillah of 10S16